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Кто ты, всадник? (1987)

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In the remote wilderness of the American West, a British company is developing a gold mine. Their representative, Allan Kane, is determined to keep a portion of the gold for himself and smuggle it out of the country. However, his plans are quickly foiled when a group of skilled horsemen, known as the Riders, catch wind of his scheme and set out to stop him.

As Allan and his accomplices race across the rugged terrain with their ill-gotten gains, the Riders pursue them with relentless determination. What follows is a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, filled with thrilling chases, daring escapes, and deadly showdowns.

With each twist and turn, the true identities and motivations of the characters are revealed, leading to unexpected alliances and betrayals. As the tension mounts and the body count rises, the line between good and evil becomes increasingly blurred.

"Who Are You, Rider?" is a gripping tale of greed, betrayal, and redemption set against the backdrop of the untamed frontier. As the dust settles and the smoke clears, only one question remains: who will emerge victorious in this deadly game of wits and wills?

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